Shared Community Studios

Midway Artist Studios is comprised of a variety of spaces, which are able to support a range of purposes, including rehearsals, exhibitions, events, and more. 

The Cultural Equity Incubator

The Cultural Equity Incubator (CEI) is a collective action shared workspace designed by and for arts and culture leaders committed to intersectional racial equity and creative justice. The CEI is a paradigm shift in creative collaboration, space making, resource sharing and community care. The initiative is in a two-year residence at Midway Artist Studios in Boston’s Fort Point district, June 2021 - May 2023. 

Core partners of the CEI will take the two year pilot to test a shared approach to non-profit fundamentals like governance, fundraising, marketing, infrastructure and programming. Through this process, the collective aims to decenter the white supremacist work ethic embedded in the US non-profit business model, instead centering community care and joy while pursuing intersectional racial equity. 

Click here more information about The Cultural Equity Incubator.

The Fort Point Lyric Room 


The Fort Point Lyric Room is a shared community studio operated by BLO at Midway which provides space for both Boston Lyric Opera, Midway residents and the City of Boston, supporting the development of performance, rehearsal, multimedia art, video projection mapping, filmmaking, cinema, screenings, fabrication, large-scale art assembly, education and training in drama, vocal instruction & music, and a multitude of other uses which support the creative activity and financial sustainability of both organizations.

For more information about The Fort Point Lyric Room, email

The Midway Sound Booth

Supporting recording, broadcasting, translations, vocals or music, voice-overs or podcasting, musical instrument practice, individual calls and post-production (125 sq. Ft.)

For more information about The Midway Sound Booth, email